The problem with feelings is when you try and  talk about them they try and stop you.

Sometimes you feel stuck and unable to talk about your feelings. It’s important to know that you’re not alone in this. Many people struggle with expressing their emotions, for a variety of reasons.

Here are some possible reasons why feelings might stop you from talking:

* Fear of judgment. You might be afraid of being judged or misunderstood if you share your feelings. You might worry that people will think you’re weak, crazy, or overreacting.

*  Shame.  You might feel ashamed of your feelings, especially if they’re negative emotions like anger, sadness, or fear. You might think that your feelings are wrong or unacceptable.

*  Trauma.  If you’ve experienced trauma, you might have learned to suppress your emotions as a way of coping. Talking about your feelings can be triggering and overwhelming, so you might avoid it at all costs.

*  Attachment issues.  If you didn’t have a secure attachment with your caregivers as a child, you might have learned to distrust others and be afraid of being vulnerable. This can make it difficult to open up and share your feelings.

If you’re struggling to talk about your feelings, it’s important to find a safe and supportive person to talk to. A therapist or counsellor can be a great resource for helping you to understand and express your emotions. They can also teach you coping skills to help you manage your feelings in a healthy way.

Here are some tips for talking about your feelings:

*  Start small.  Don’t try to talk about everything all at once. Start with something that’s not too overwhelming for you.

*  Find a safe person.  Choose someone you trust and feel comfortable with. It’s important to find someone who will listen to you without judgment.

*  Be honest.  Don’t try to sugarcoat your feelings. The more honest you are, the more helpful the conversation will be.

*  Be specific.  Don’t just say “I feel bad.” Try to identify the specific emotion you’re feeling, such as sadness, anger, or fear.

*  Be present.  When you’re talking about your feelings, try to stay in the present moment. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future.

*  Take breaks.  If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a break. You can come back to the conversation later when you’re feeling more calm.

Talking about your feelings can be difficult, but it’s an important part of emotional health. If you’re struggling to express your emotions, don’t give up. There are people who can help you.