
You create your values to protect yourself from your fears 01/21

It would be fair to say our values are the boundaries we have adopted to fit in and be accepted by society. They are socially constructed and as such do not belong to us but our tribe.

The twin fears of fight or flee raise their heads when we feel at risk of rejection or being abandoned. Attachment theory tells us this is human and automatic and exists from childhood to old age.

One concern my clients bring is which partner and when is the right time to initiate sex?

Mitchell Qualls puts the question in his article in First Things – How was sex viewed in their home growing up?

One of the objectives  of counselling with couples is to give clients the opportunity to share, examine and revise their sexual preferences and values. Are they a help or a hindrance in the relationship, whatever age they are?

For more information about marriage guidance and couples therapy visit

10th April 2023